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肯特華人基督教會以實踐基督的大使命作為服事的原則, 在俄亥俄州-肯特及附近地區發展華人家庭與學生的福音事工.

Kent Chinese Friends Church is located inside Riverwood Community Chapel at 1407 Fairchild Ave. Kent, Ohio 44240. It serves the members and church friends from the surrounding towns close proximity to Cleveland/Akron including Kent, Stow, Hudson, Solon, Medina, Copley, Fairlawn, Akron, Canton, Streetsboro, Twinsburg, Macedonia, Cuyahoga Falls and Tallmadge.


黃欣惟 牧師 Samuel Huang

臺灣花蓮人早年獻身事奉主至今曾先後在臺灣八德板橋地區開拓教會, 1992年畢業於中台神學院畢業後與妻到美國賓州麥城福音神學院 (Evangelical Theological Seminary) 攻讀道學碩士並在理海谷華人基督教會服事三年1995年到俄亥俄州愛旭蘭神學院 (Ashland Theological Seminary) 繼續攻讀教牧學博士並於1998年完成學位.



高淑玲 牧師 Sharon Huang

Sharon Kao became a Christian in 1987. She was born in Taichung, Taiwan, and raised in a family that worshiped idols and ancestors. Her family took her to the temple in childhood to worship those gods. Though she followed the family tradition, her heart never indeed had peace. When she grew older, she told her parents that she wanted to become a Christian because the gospel songs comforted her heart and gave her peace. One day she walked to church and saw a pastor preaching the gospel. At that moment, she discovered that she was a sinner. Jesus Christ died for her on the cross and loved her so much. She confessed herself as a sinner and, with an open heart, accepted Jesus Christ to become her savior.

In the scripture of the gospel of Matthew 9:35-38. God uses this to call her to become a follower. Sharon obeys His words and answers calling. She graduated from Central Taiwan Theological Seminary in 1992. She met and married her classmate Samuel on June 14, 1992. The same year, they both came to the United States to pursue M.Div. in Evangelical Theological Seminary, Myerstown, PA. After three years, they moved to Ashland Theological Seminary, OH., where Sharon earned a degree of MA in Christian Education in 1997. Currently, Sharon is studying for a D. Min. degree and writing her dissertation.

Sharon serves in Kent Chinese Friends Church ministries such as pastoral caring, discipleship training, praise team coordinator, Sunday preaching, and premarital counseling (Facilitator Training 4th Edition Certificate, FOCCUS Inc. U.S.A.).

Sharon likes outdoor activities such as hiking and traveling. In addition, she likes reading and listening to classical music, especially violin and piano. She also enjoys opera, Broadway shows, and musical performances.

Sharon and Samuel were married for over 30 years. They have two adult sons, Joshua and Joseph. And two lovely dogs, Millie and Koby.

教會同工 Church Co-Workers

崇拜組 (Worship):   郭胡迪 Di Hu Kuo
教育組 (Education):   林玫辰 Mei-Chen Lin
宣道組 (Missionary):   劉芷綾 Chih-Ling Liou
服務組 (Service):     鄭翔鵬 Jimmy Zheng
財務組 (Finance):    劉淼 Miao Liu
