請注意!肯特華人基督教會主日實體敬拜時間為上午 11:15。
Kent Chinese Christian Church will resume the physical worship back to the church at 11:15 am on Sunday. Online worship is still maintained every Sundays. Please keep pray for church ministry. Thank you for your support.
Kent Chinese Christian Church will resume the physical worship back to the church at 11:15 am on Sunday. Online worship is still maintained every Sundays. Please keep pray for church ministry. Thank you for your support.
請大家先下載 Zoom Cloud Meeting app,然後輸入passcode: 44240 即可加入網上聚會。
Please download the Zoom Cloud Meeting app in advance and use the passcode [44240] to join the meeting.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
-腓立比書 Philippians 4:7
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