中秋節聯合戶外主日敬拜 9-15-2024
Combined Mid-Autumn Festival Outdoor Sunday Worship

1. 來歡呼來讚美 Let Us Shout
願天歡喜 願地快樂 願海和其中充滿的澎湃 願天歡喜 願地快樂 願田和其中所有的歡樂
來歡呼來讚美 將榮耀都歸於祂 來歡呼來讚美 來向耶和華歌唱
來歡呼來讚美 將榮耀都歸於祂 來歡呼來讚美 來向耶和華歌唱
我們相聚 愛裡敬拜 願耶穌的愛充滿在這裡 高舉雙手 大聲宣告 願神的喜樂成為我力量
(來歡呼來讚美 將榮耀都歸於祂 來歡呼來讚美 來向耶和華歌唱
來歡呼來讚美 將榮耀都歸於祂 來歡呼來讚美 來向耶和華歌唱)x2
The skies rejoice. The earth sings praise. The sea and all the creatures will proclaim
The skies rejoice. The earth sings praise. The field and all the creatures celebrate.
Let us shout, let us praise. Let us sing unto the Lord. Let us shout, let us praise. Let us sing unto the Lord.
We’ve gathered here in Jesus’ name. His love surrounds us, filling every heart.
We lift our hands, we lift our voices. The joy of the Lord will be my strength

2. 好喜歡與你在一起 I Really Love To Be With You
謝謝你牽著我手 高山低谷陪我走 從不放棄我 真誠愛我 接納我
一起做夢 一起笑 一起敬拜和禱告 一起慶賀每個生命的奇蹟
好喜歡與你在一起 分享生活 分享愛 沒有批判和論斷 心完全敞開
好喜歡與你在一起 像耶穌一樣地愛 你我不孤單 這裡有愛
Thank you for holding my hands. High and lows, you walk with me. You never gave up. You accepted me with love.
Together, we’ll dream and laugh. Pray and worship in accord. All life’s wonders are a joy to share with you.
I really love to be with you. Sharing life and sharing grace. We won’t criticize or judge. Hearts are open wide.
I really love to be with you. Loving just as Christ would do. We are not alone, because we love.

3. The Way 道路
Through every battle Through every heartbreak Through every circumstance
I believe that You are my fortress. You are my portion. You are my hiding place
I believe You are the Way, the Truth, the Life. I believe You are the Way, the Truth, the Life. I believe You are.
I believe through every blessing Through every promise Through every breath I take
I believe that You are provider You are protector You are the One I love
I believe You are the Way, the Truth, the Life. I believe You are the Way, the Truth, the Life. I believe You are.
It’s a new horizon, and I’m set on You. And You meet me here today with mercies that are new.
All my fears and doubts they can all come too. Because they can’t stay long when I’m here with You.

4. Holy Spirit 聖靈
There’s nothing worth more. That will ever come close. Nothing can compare. You’re our living hope. Your Presence Lord
I’ve tasted and seen. Of the sweetest of Loves. Where my heart becomes free. And my shame is undone.
In Your Presence Lord
Holy Spirit You are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your Glory God is what our hearts long for To be overcome by Your Presence Lord
Let us become more aware of Your Presence Let us experience the Glory of Your Goodness

5. O Come To The Altar 來到祭壇
Are you hurting and broken within Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin Jesus is calling
Have you come to the end of yourself Do you thirst for a drink from the well Jesus is calling
O come to the altar The Father’s arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Leave behind your regrets and mistakes Come today, there’s no reason to wait Jesus is calling
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy From the ashes, a new life is born Jesus is calling
O come to the altar The Father’s arms are open wide Forgiveness was bought with The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Oh what a Savior Isn’t He wonderful Sing Hallelujah, Christ is risen
Bow down before Him For He is Lord of all Sing Hallelujah, Christ is risen
O come to the altar The Father’s arms are open wide Forgiveness was bought with The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Bear your cross as you wait for the crown Tell the world of the treasure you found

司會Worship Leader: Han-Pin Lin 翻譯 Translator: Miao Liu
領歌PFC Praise Team: Pastor Brian Donahue, Stephen Zittle, Joe Aull, Caleb Dick
KCFC Praise Team: Chih-Ling Liou, Di Kuo, Yiwen Zhang

歡迎與報告Welcome & Announcement————————————————-Worship Leader
宣召 Call to Worship————————–詩篇 Psalm 96:1-4——————————Worship Leader
讚美 Praise—————————————————————————-KCFC Praise Team
1.來歡呼來讚美 Let Us Shout; 2.好喜歡與你在一起 I Really Love To Be With You
禱告 Prayer——————————————————————– Pastor Andrew Blackburn
讚美 Praise——————————————————————————–PFC Praise Team
3. The Way; 4. Holy Spirit
*Children may be dismissed and attend children’s program led by: Matt & Susie Zittle, Devon Donahue.

讀經 Scripture Reading————————路加福音 Luke 24:13-35———————Worship Leader
信息 Message ————————-You’ve Got a Friend—————————–Dr. David Williams
奉獻及回應詩歌 Responding Song & Offering——————————-PFC & KCFC Praise Team
5. O Come To The Altar
祝禱 Benediction———————————————————————-Dr. David Williams
分組 Breakout Groups———————————————————————-Worship Leader

報告事項 Announcements:
• 歡迎大家前來參加我們的聯合敬拜,謝謝所有前來參加敬拜的朋友們,也要謝謝 Pursuit Friends
Church, Winona Friends Church and Kent Chinese Friends Church,願神賜福您。同時也要謝謝所有
參與事奉的弟兄姊妹,願神賜福大家。最後更要謝謝 Dr. David Williams and Carol 前來分享上帝
的信息,願主繼續恩待他在 Malone University 的事奉,求主賜福他及家人。
Thank you to all the friends who joined us for worship! We would like to thank all those who served
today, and special thanks to Dr. David Williams and his wife Carol for coming and sharing the message
of God. May God bless his ministry at Malone University.

• 請孩子們在信息之前跟我們一起詩歌敬拜,結束後請帶開,由 Matt and Susie Zittle, and Devon
Donahue 負責,謝謝他們的事奉。
We would like to ask all the children to join us in worship and praise before the message, and they may
be dismissed to attend their children’s program led by Matt and Susie Zittle, and Devon Donahue. Many
thanks to their faithful service.

• 聚會後請大家留下與我們一起聚餐,聚會後我們會分不同的小組,由牧者和同工們帶領,分享今
Please stay and join us for small group discussions led by pastors and coworkers, as well as lunch after
the service.

• 歡迎大家參加教會的各項聚會,請點擊教會網站 www.kentchinesechurch.org 就可以了解與參加。
We welcome you to join us at our meetings and worship service. If you’d like to learn more, please visit
us at www.kentchinesechurch.org.